Motorcycle Repair: 1983 honda cb550sc nighthawk, electric fuel pump, marine mechanic

Hello got a 83 550 nighthawk for song and a dance.
it had been siting for 2 years.
im a marine mechanic but this thing has me stumped
i had to repair just about everything LOL
i cleaned the carbs replaced fuel lines and filters
cleaned the petcock and the tank wasn't to bad.
replaced plugs and gaped to .0035.
cleaned all grounds and repaired all connection in ignition system.
i got it runing and it would only run with the choke on and then it cleared up after a few miles and then ran perfect for about 3 days. then i parked it for a day and it wouldn't start but would try.
later on i stride to start and it did but wouldn't rev up at all. i checked spark and it was good on all 4.
i went thru the carbs again and found some cracked emulsion
tubes and found that to rebuild them would be around 200 bucks in parts so i found a set of NOS carbs on ebay.
i inspected the new carbs and they were perfect.
i installed them and it did the same thing wouldn't start and then did and wouldn't rev up at all.
to days later it started and ran good but you needed the choke on to run or it will bog but still put about 100 miles on it.
then i parked it over night and the next day same thing again very hard to start and when it does will idle but will not rev up.
its defiantly starving for fuel and i think its the petcock
or tank but when i pull the fuel line fuel flows out well
but i think it should be more.
i did block of the vacuum thing on the petcock.
it has 150 psi compression on # 1 2 and 4 while # 3 was real low 65 psi but has come up to 110 psi in a few miles of runing when i checked again [stuck rings]
i did put aftermarket air filters on [ the separate kind]

what do you think is my problem
can i put a electric fuel pump like from a goldwing on
to draw more fuel
thank you
howard shettle


-the vacuum line is there to open
the petcock so the fuel flows.
When the vacuum stops the petcock
shuts off the fuel. These are often faulty.

-The gas tank or cap has a vent that
may be plugged. If so it creates
a vacuum in the gas tank that
keeps fuel from flowing.

-aftermarket air filters often create
the need for richer jetting due to the
increased air flow.
-Try raising the slide needles by
lowering the clip one notch
or if no clip use a very thin small washer
to raise the needles slightly. This will
richen 1/4-3/4 throttle.

-check around the intake tubes for possible
air or vacuum leaks that might lean the fuel mix.

-check that carb slides are not sticking.

-if your petcock and tank vents are okay
you shouldn't need a fuel pump.