Motorcycle Repair: CB700 wont turn on, honda cb700sc, starter switch
1984 Honda CB700SC 39K
I had the unpleasant experience of getting bumped while parked on the road. I was glad that the only damage were to the handlebars and a broken mirror.
However I turn the key, all the lights go on, I thumb the starter (makes no sound) and everything dies. I flicked the high beam switch on and all the lights came back on, but again I thumbed the starter and everything went dead. Now nothing will turn on anymore.
Any help?Thanks.
AnswerSeems most likely to be a complete short out. Probably when the handlebars were damaged the starter switch was as well. Pressing the starter switch and the electrics die is sure sign of everything just grounding out, the second time you did it must have blown the main fuse, which will be down near the battery live lead, in line. check it out, it will be most likely blown, obviously check out that starter switch relay for likely damage and where a probable short may be occurring