QuestionHi Wayne, I hope you can give me some ideas.
I have a 1976 Honda CB200T and I had an extra engine from an Ebay purchase in my bike while I was cleaning and replacing gaskets and rings in the original engine and everything ran fine. But when I installed the original engine into the frame I pinched the wire harness against the frame and when I got it all hooked up and tried starting it I got no spark at all.
Any idea what wire if any would cause this to happen?
I have replaced the coil, the condenser and the points and triple checked the timing. Please give me some fresh ideas.
Thanks in advance.
-a black 12v power wire goes from the ignition switch
to the handlebar run/stop switch.
-From there a black/white wire goes down to the coils
providing 12volts to the coils positive side.
-Make sure that the power is getting to the coils.
You may have to open the points to check this.
-From the coils negative side a blue wire runs to the
points. Make sure the wire is not broken or shorted.
-you should get a small spark at the points
if all the wiring is correct.
-if you have no power at all, check the
ignition switch wiring and battery grounds etc.