QuestionI just acquired a 1997 Suzuki Bandit 600 S. The guy I got it from let it sit for a few months and now it wont start. The battery is good, recently replaced. The lights come on, the fuses are all good, and the starter cranks, but the engine does not catch. Do you have any suggestions as to what to try first to remedy this problem. Thanks in advance.
most likely not getting fuel, pull a spark plug
wire off, stick a plug in it and see if it has
-If so, you will have to add fresh fuel, see if
the carbs have fuel getting to them or
try draining the carbs and see if fuel
comes out.
-If the carbs have fuel in them
it is possible the carb jets have become
plugged from sitting.
-Did you turn on the fuel petcock, and try
it with the choke on?
-If you spray some wd40 or carb cleaner
into the carb opening it should fire on that,
if it does then you may have to read up on carb
cleaning here:
or maybe here: