Motorcycle Repair: 1973 Honda QA50, bikebandit com, screw plug

I was recently given a 1973 Honda QA50 and got it to start and run for a couple of weeks. It now refuses to start and I think  it's the spark plug and points causing the problem as there doesn't seem to be any electrical activity. Can you tell me the spark gap for the plug and the point settings for when i replace these parts. Also if you know the original screw settings for the carburetor I'd appreciate that information as well. Thank you for your assistance and volunteering your knowledge.

Ron, no spark generally means that the points are dirty and/or have closed up. Timing and point gap are completely inter-related. Clean the point faces, so they are nice and shiny with no grit in between, then set them so that they just open when the F mark lines up on the flywheel/mark alignment. They should be around .014" gap when timing is set properly. If you can't get them to open at the F mark, then the rubbing block is probably all worn down. To replace the points, you will have to buy a special flywheel removal tool from a m/c shop however.

16.5mm float level
#52 main jet
#35 idle jet
clip in #3 needle slot
1 1/4 turns out on the idle mixture screw.
Plug gap out of the box is about .025" which is fine.
for parts illustrations

also: for parts list with correct Honda part numbers.

Bill Silver