Motorcycle Repair: Throttle cable adjust HD FLSTHC 08, throttle cables, adjustment positions
QuestionI replaced the handle bar grips and now I want to make sure throttle cable adjustments are correct. I had to loosen the throttle cable adjustment nuts to allow enough cable slack for reinstalling new throttle grip. While loosening the adjustment nuts I counted the number of turns so I could return them to the original adjustment positions. I did all the installation of the new grips with the handle bars turned fully to the left. All this worked out good except when I turned the bars toward the right. The throttle starts binding the more right turn applied until the throttle binds and won't return to idle. I loosened the cable adjustments two turns on both throttle cables which solve the binding, but the throttle grip has a little slop when handle bars are full left and no slop when full right. No binding. Is this normal? Or how do I correct for slop.
AnswerLoosen the cables again. Check at the other end of them to make sure the cable housing is on the slots of the throttle body all the way. Now adjust the idle cable so there is a slight amount of slack in it then adjust the throttle cable. You should have a little slack in it as well. Do this with the front tire straight to the frame
Good luck and happy riding