Motorcycle Repair: 72 Z50, point gap, plug cap

Hi, I have a 72 Z50 that I cant get a spark out of. I thought I had the problem isolated to the primary coil. I replaced it, to no avail. New coil doesnt produce any juice either. Is the "on/off" switch part of the circuit, ie, if it is not hooked up, does it matter? As I recall, it used to run when the switch was not hooked up. Any hints appreciated


-I believe the switch just grounds the ignition
to kill the engine. It should have spark with
the switch disconnected.

-You will have to double check all the ignition
components carefully.

-flywheel magnets should be clean and
have some magnetism.

-flywheel has a cam inside that opens
the points, see if it looks okay.

-make sure the flywheel key is not sheared.

-check that the points contacts are okay
and the points wire is insulated from
ground when the points are open.

-make sure point gap is not so
wide that the points never close.

-The heel of the points can
be worn down, keeping points from opening

-were points burned or pitted? Condensor may be bad.

-connect a test light to the black wire
and see if it lights when you kickstart it.
The lower coil should have some output there.

-make sure upper ignition coil is well grounded.

-check the plug cap and spark plug.

-set points to just break open with the flywheel "F" mark
aligned to the mark on engine case.
gap is around .014".

-check black wire for breaks.

-points contacts must be cleaned even if new.

-is flywheel side engine bearing loose causing
point bounce?