QuestionHi there, I've got a 1988 Honda Bros, moght have a different name in the states. Its pretty much the same as the NTV 650 though. Anyway I think I have a problem with the starter solenoid. 2 fuses have blown in 2 days and i'm not sure what is causing this. One thing it might be is that a few months back a fuse blew real bad and even melted some of the plastic casing of the bit that fits onto the solenoid.
Could this have damaged the connections?
Could it be a problem with the wiring?
What do you think could cause fuses to keep blowing in the solenoid?
if the fuse you are referring to is the main fuse
(30 amp) it could be many things.
-A poor or loose connection could blow the fuse
or a faulty component or wire. Does the solenoid
work okay when starting?
-The main fuse leads up to the ignition switch (red)
and to the regulator/rectifier (red/white)
-There are some sub-fuses from there on to
protect other circuits to the starter switch and
clutch switch etc.
-I think the problem would likely
be either in the wirng to the ignition switch
or something in the regulator wires or
solenoid fuse holder itself.
-Try checking the red wire to the ignition switch
and red/white wire to the regulator and also
it's connector plug. Maybe a wire rubbed through
-Make sure you have a solid connection where
the fuse goes, if it is damaged you may
have to bypass or replace the solenoid.
-tighten your battery cables and check
ground wire connections on the frame.
-it may even be in the ignition switch itself,
see if it looks loose.
-you will have to trace the problem down as there
is no other way to do it.