QuestionI have a 1998 Suzuki Marauder 805cc, Can I shave the cylinder heads to increase compression? If so, how much can I shave them so the valves don't bottom out and will this increase horsepower?
Shaving heads only increases power 4-5%.
The reason for this is called volumetric
efficiency. Simply put this refers to
how much air/fuel an engine can take in
and get out again in relation to it's
size,tune etc. The compression is only one
part of this equation.
-The heads have to have good porting size and shape,
the fuel system and exhaust system have
to cooperate in moving the gases in/out
quickly. The camshafts have to open valves
at the optimum time.
The ignition has to handle the added compression
pressures and RPM.
Then you have the added strain to the cooling
system, engine parts and your pocketbook.
-That all said, you can make some gains
by improving some or all of those above
mentioned things. New pipes like Cobra or
Vance/Hines, rejetting carbs or adding fuel processors and
improved air filters can improve power maybe 10-15%
-I don't favor the head shaving because
the compression is fairly high on these engines
and head gaskets can blow. Also the danger
of detonation is increased, this is when the
fuel ignites at the wrong time, from the increased heat and
explodes violently often damaging engine parts.
If you have a racing sponser, go for it! ;)