Motorcycle Repair: ATV engine, air breather, burning oil
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 400 susuki Quadsport atv. It has very few hours on it and it is 2005. I rode it in the spring , got it back home, backed it off trailer and parked it and it was running just fine. I went to ride it about 2 months later and it would not start. Checked air breather and put new plug in. It did start but was burning more oil then gas. You could not see behind it for all the smoke and it had no power and then stopped running again. I have no idea what could went wrong just sitting there for just a couple of months to be so bad and burn so much oil.
Thank You
ANSWER: Ronnie, Did your quad sit for 2 months in the hot summer?? If it did you will probably have to clean the carb out. Fuel now a days is only good for a short period of time especially during the summer. It will evaporate from the carb and turn to varnish. Pop the fuel cap off the tank and take a wiff of the gas. If it smells like varnish or paint thinner it is bad and you will have to clean the tank out also. Follow up with me after you smell the gas and we'll go from there
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I did dump the gas out of tank and carb. I put new gas in and same thing. It does smell just like oil burning. I have smell a car burning oil and it smells just like that. It did sit during hot days of summer, June and July.
AnswerWell there are a few things I would do before I dove into the engine of the quad. !st is the carb. Just because the fuel was cumped out of it does not mean it will be ok. When the old fuel evaporates it leaves varnish in the carb. this will clog up the ports. I'm not saying you are wrong and it is not burning oil buy it is much easier and cheaper to clean and soak the carb first before spending some bucks into the motor. Local auto parts have "carb dip" in a paint bucket for this. Completely disassemble the carb and do this first. If it does the same after that then we can discuss what else to do.