Motorcycle Repair: Engine Misfire, engine misfire, vulcan 750

QUESTION: I own a 1995 Vulcan 750, the bike has never really ran that great, it tends to lose power from time to time and it backfires quite often. Recently though, I can't even get it to start until about the 20th try, then, when I open the throttle the RPM's go crazy, up from 1 to 9, but there is no power to the wheel, then it sputters and dies. Where should I start with this problem?

Thanking you in advance.

ANSWER: I need a little more info... Has the bike sat for a period of time ever with fuel in the carb or tank?? Have you owned it since new??

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It has, my brother bought it from the original owner, then rode it for a while, nothing really wrong with it except it would back fire from time to time and idle oddly, then he let it sit for about three years or so, I doubt he drained the fluids. Hope that helps.

Ok,this is whats up...

You are goin gto have to remove the carbs, completely disassemble them and soak them in a "crab dip". At your local auto parts they should have a paint can that has a solvent you can soak the carbs in. This will remove all the varnish that has collected in the ports and jets. Soak anything that is metal or brass. Plastics, gaskets and rubber o rings will be destroyed. I would also look into a carb rebuild kit from your local dealer or after market parts dist. Call the dealer and get the specs on where to set the carbs at and do so accordingly. You are also going to have to remove the tank and flush it out completely. Install a fuel filter in between the tank and carbs even if the bike does not have one. This will solve your problems.