QuestionQUESTION: im thinking of buying a 1993 kawasaki ninja 750 from my buddy for about 600 bucks, but when running it sputters around 40 -50 mph, the plug and fuel lines were replaced, and it still does this, what do u think is the problem and do u have any idea what it will cost to fix this problem, i need to no if this is worth me buying or if i should not waste my money?
ANSWER: I need a little more info on the machine. Has it sat for any period of time?? Did it just start doing this all of a sudden or after sitting? Follow up with me and I'll help you out the best I can...
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QUESTION: yes it has been sitting but that is the reason it has been sitting, the bike was dumped last summer and since that it was sputtering around 40-50 so thats why it was sitting, he couldnt figure out why? he replaced the plug and fuel lines because they were dirty and it is still spuddering? it is a 1993 kawasaki ninja 750, i have not purchased it yet, because i want to no what im getting myself into, im just hoping its noting major?
ANSWER: There really is no way for me to tell you if it is a good buy or not??? However, I can tell you that I would start with cleaning the carbs out. Soak them in carb dip after taking them completely apart and setting them to factory specs. If the fuel lines were nasty chances are the carbs got that junk also.
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QUESTION: how much does that usually cost if i had it done at a shop,
and also what is the worse case scenario for what could be wrong , because it does run, its just when it hits the 40-50 mph range
AnswerI'm not sure what it would cost you. Are you going to just take the carbs off and have them cleaned or take in the whole bike?? If you wanted to take the carbs off and send them to me I could take them apart, clean them in the tank, reassemble, and set to factory specs. You would just have to bolt them back on and make sure it has good, clean gas in the tank.