Motorcycle Repair: my honda f1 tacho doesn`t work, honda 600, pin connector

recently i put a f2 cdi on my Honda 600 88 it blew once and i had to put a new one since that my tacho doesnt work if i connect it the rpm starts to going down and if i connect it may cause an electric choke so i wanna know if the problem it's in the tacho because i tried to connected it directly in the coil and the problem continues
thanks for the attention


the tachometer gets it's signal from the ignition
-on the ignition module there is a 9 pin connector.
-the yellow/green wire is for the tachometer.
-pull the connector off and check for continuity
between the yellow/green wire and where it plugs
onto the ignition module.
-it should have a connection or continuity at
all times. If it doesn't there may be a wiring or
connection problem in the dash connector.
Try cleaning the connector well in the dash cluster.

-If the wiring seems okay, the tachometer may be faulty.