QuestionI hope you can help. I just bought this bike a few weeks ago, and it ran pretty good. There were times when there was little power but i traced it to a loose plug wire, all was good again. the other day i went to ride it and there was no power, max of 60km, i would start of and it was fine, go to second and there was very little power. I changed out both plugs, one was dry the other very wet. After the plugs i tried to start it and there were a few clunks (may backfire) but it started. Pulled out and same thing. Is it possible that one cylinder might have jumped it's timing a bit, or should i consider the carb's, or is it done for. Any help is better then none. Thanks.
first thing to do with problems like this
is to check the condition of the engine
with a cylinder compression and/or leakdown test.
If the engine has about 150 psi on both cyliinders
then you can start looking for other causes.
-the plug caps can go bad.
-check for bad connections on fuses or connector plugs.
-check for good fuel supply.
-carbs jets and filters can get plugged.
-choke plungers can leak.
-ignition units or pulse coils can fail.
Check the wires and connectors that go into
any ignition boxes well.
Make sure battery cables are tight and battery
is fully charged. It sounds like
one of your cylinders is not running,
see if both pipes are warming up.