Motorcycle Repair: 1986 yamaha virago 700, battery cables, needle valves
QuestionFront cylinder will start missing I pull the plug and I have spark but the plug is wet. Front cylinder would start to hit while driving down the road if I gave it gas when I let off and try to level out the speed would start to miss again but when I give it gas it would start to hit again. Any help would be appreciated
if the compression is equal on both cylinders
I would check:
-spark plugs and caps
-air filter.
-the carb idle jets and
the little filters under the
float needle valves.
-poor sealing on the choke plungers.
-poor fuse conections that limit power to the ignition.
-possible bad TCI ignition unit or connector/wire
A wet plug indicates flooding or misfire or
engine problem like a bad valve.
Make sure battery cables are tight and battery
fully charged.