Questionhey well my problem is i thumpstar i got a new cdi unit and coil package for it and a new spark plug and when i see if it has any spark it doesn't so what do i do it will run start but when i pull the clutch in and pull up and when i go to take off it turns off. from Cameron
are you saying it idles okay but quits
when you try to ride?
If it is running, the spark is likely okay.
-I would see if gas is getting to the carb
from the tank petcock valve and
try draining the float bowl or cleaning the carb jets.
-Set your idle pilot screw 1.5 turns out
from closed. Float level is 19mm, from bottom
of the float to the carb body measured just as float
closes the float needle valve.
-check the rubber carb o-ring where it bolts
on the engine, this needs to seal.
-if the fuel mixture is lean, the carb slide
needle could be raised by lowering the clip a notch
or adding a small washer to raise it.
-Clutch cable may have too much slack causing
the clutch to drag when the lever is pulled in.
-Speed up the idle a bit.
If you have some more info maybe I can
help narrow down the cause.