Motorcycle Repair: 1987 kawasaki ninja 750, clutch slave cylinder, clutch lever

hey wayne when i crank my motorcycle up it runs good and everything but when i put it in gear it just stalls and i know that this problems happens to be that the clutch is not engaging and i was going to bleed the clutch system but i dont know a thing about clutches or where to start so if you could please help me i would greatly appreciate it thanks man hope i can hear back asap

it may be the hydraulic system has air in it
but also it may be the clutch plates stuck together.

Has the bike been ridden lately or sitting awhile?
The clutch plates can rust, warp or just get
gooey and stick.

-You can bleed the air by following the clutch hose down
to the clutch slave cylinder.

-Keep your master cylinder reservoir full of dot4 brake fluid
when bleeding the air from the slave cylinder bleed screw.

-You pump your clutch lever and hold it in.

-Open the little bleed screw on the slave cylinder to release air.

-Close the screw before you release the clutch
lever. This is done to prevent air from going back
in the slave cylinder.

-Repeat these steps until no air comes out of the bleeder
screw. Remember to add fluid to the master reservoir
by your clutch lever and keep the lid on loosely
to keep fluid from spraying out on your bike.
Use some rags to keep fluid off the engine and bike
or use a small hose on the bleeder screw.

-If the clutch plates are stuck they may break
loose if you get the bike warmed up and moving or
the clutch would have to be removed and the plates
replace or cleaned up as necessary.