Motorcycle Repair: 1980Kawasaki kz750h elect, primary resistance, kill switch

i bought a 1980 Kawasaki kz750h and it has no spark. i'd like to know if there is any way to check the ing. box to see if it is any good ?


Kawasaki had a tester called the "Electrotester"
but I don't think it would be easy to find.

-The ic igniter or ignition box may not be the
first thing to check.

-I would start with a good battery and then
check for 12 volts on the red coil wires, (key on).
If no power there, check your fuses.

-The power should be getting through the kill switch
to the coils. Coils have 1.8-2.8 ohms primary
resistance and 10000-16000 ohms secondary resistance.

-If no power is going to the kill switch,
then check your ignition switch.

-if you get power to the coils, then
make sure the connectors are clean on
the ignition box and pickup or pulse coils.

-the pulse or pickup coils under the
right? engine cover should have
360-540 ohms resistance.

-if all this looks good, then try another
ignition unit.