QuestionI have a 73 suzuki ts 125k. I recently put turn signals on the bike. I have replaced flasher relay, signals, and battery. When i turn on the signal, they stay on and do not flash. This is a 6 volt system. All bulbs are new and come on including the one on tach. Please shed some light on this for me. Thanks!
are these signals the original items and
the flasher as well? If not you may need
to try some different bulbs or another
brand of flasher as the flasher and the
resistance of the bulb elements control
the flashing. Also the battery needs to
be good and fully charged.
Try checking them with a battery charger
hooked up, maybe the charging system is weak.
If it flashes then you need to check the
charging with a multimeter, should have
about 7-7.5 volts when revved up at the
battery terminals.