Questionmy clutch stopped working almost instantly; started fine, got out of the driveway and it wouldn't hold neutral, and I lost all tension in the clutch lever. 15k miles. I can do my own oil change but this has me stumped. help.
-check the fluid reservoir by your clutch lever,
is it empty? The clutch is hydraulic,
in other words it uses brake fluid to make
-The problem is likely a leak in the
clutch master or slave cylinder or hose.
-The master cylinder is beside the clutch lever.
-The slave cylinder is smaller and at the other
end of the hose on the engine.
-put some dot4 brake fluid in the reservoir
put the cover back on and pump the clutch lever,
if it leaks anywhere that unit will need
a seal kit installed.
-the air will need to be bled from the system
afterward. Hold the clutch lever in and open
the small bleed screw on the slave unit
to release the air. Tighten the screw before
releasing the lever. Repeat until
you feel the clutch working.