Motorcycle Repair: 1979 Honda cx500 low speed miss, 1979 honda cx500, plug caps

Hi Wayne. I have a 1979 Honda cx500.The bike sat for 3 years. It started and ran great till I cleaned the carbs. I thought it be a good idea after sitting. Now I think I was wrong. It starts and idles great but has a bad miss then accelerating. When the throttle reaches a point it will take off but till that point it misses. I used a aftermarket carb rebuild kit that came with new jets and idle needle. But when I installed the idle needles one stuck out into the carb much more than the other, and they were both set at 1 1/2 turns out. So I put the old ones back in.
Can you tell me the float adjustment and a starting point for the low speed needle?
Thanks Jerry
[email protected]


it is possible to mix up the jets unless you
were very careful. Some aftermarket kits
are not great. Have you replaced the spark plugs?
-Also the carb slides are known to be sticky
and even the needle in the slide can bind.
-The bigger jets like #112 go in the brass holder
and the little #78 go in the other off center hole
in the carb bottom.
-The float level if adjustable is 15.5 mm or 0.61"
The float should just close the needle without
fully compressing the spring in the float valve.
At this point the measurement should be 15.5mm
from the carb body to the float bottom.
-The low speed needle can be set a couple of turns
out or turn it in and out until you get
the highest speed, if it is too fast, use your
idle speed screw to slow it down and try the
idle mix screw again until it runs smooth.
-Check that butterfly throttle plates are opening
and closing okay.
-Make sure choke is opening.
-If it ran ok before the carb job, it is
likely the carbs, if not it could be
plugs, plug caps or coil problem.
-Last but not least the stator has a low and high
speed coil for the CDI ignition.
