Motorcycle Repair: 2003 LS Savage 650, savage 650, panka
QuestionHi my savage ran fine all summer than sat for about 3 weeks. Now it starts fine and runs great riding for about 5 mins then bogs out unless the choke is out half way. It idles fine when I turn the choke off but if I try to give it gas it bogs down and stalls. I have put in new gas. Any suggestions would be welcome.
AnswerHi Sue,
It sounds to me like you may have something stuck in your pilot jets. I do say this fairly often in my responses, but many of the symptoms are the same. choke on = runs good, idles good choke off, give it gas = dies, choke on, rev it up, runs good...Sound repetitive, however its becoming a more common issue because our lovely new "re-formulated" gas gels much quicker than it ever has before... Im a teck, with a shop, in the "land of harley Davidson",(milwaukee) and I clean more carbs just from the stock we have in inventory than i care to...
Hope this helps Sue!
~Mark Panka