Motorcycle Repair: Oil and Temp light, delay relays, light delay

QUESTION: I have a Vulcan 800 classic 2003 model. Me and my wife recently returned from taking it on a camping trip. Hasn't been rode since and that was a few weeks ago. I started  it up in my garage this afternoon just to run alittle and the oil and temp light were both on while it was running. Didn't go off. I checked the oil and it was fine, and the cooliant seems to be fine as well.  No knocking or anything going on. Also checked the fuses, and they were fine. Can you advise me on what maybe wrong ?  thanks Randy

ANSWER: Randy,

the only thing that might affect both
lights is a little diode some models
had that was wired to both lights.
It has a blue/red wire and a yellow/white wire.
I don't know where it is exactly, but
probably near the light panel somewhere.
-The only other possibility is a loose connector
or a sensor or relay stuck somewhere
which would require more testing
and access to a wiring diagram, in other
words probably a dealer job.
Some vulcans have light delay relays and
things that are hard to check without
replacing them. The diode is common
to both lights so it is worth a try
if your bike has it.
You could try unplugging the water temperature
sensor and the oil pressure sensor
one at a time and see if any of the lights
go out. It may be some sensor fault if the diode
is okay. You can check the diode with a multimeter,
It should have continuity only one way when
you switch your multimeter pos and neg probes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My wife ask me to add this in as well. The day that i parked it after we got back i let the bike tip over with to the right hand side. Didn't hurt the bike and i did keep it from going all the way down. Was backing it into the garage when this happened. My right foot slipped while backing it up and over it came. After that happened, i backed into the garage and it has not been ran since up till the other day and the lights stayed on.  Think that may have something to do with it ?


anything is possible when it comes to
bike repair, when you slipped did you
bump into anything or pull the
handlebars quickly to one side or the other?
-Check your temperature sensor wire near the
top radiator hose, see if the light goes out
when you pull the wire off. The sensor
next to it is for the fan which has two wires.
-Try pulling the wire off the oil pressure
switch near the filter, see if the light goes out.
-Try these two sensors separately and see if
either one affects the light staying on when
running. It could be a grounded sensor.
-Check around for any connectors that may
have jiggled loose when it fell.
-I can't see anything else in the wiring
diagrams I have except that diode I mentioned
or the sensors grounded or their wires
grounded somewhere.