Questionbill,i have 1977 honda cb 550four, that i have just purchased replaced the battery and was able to ride for a day or two until the battery was completely drained. i assumed i did not charge the battery properly... then did so with the same results. the next step i took was in buying a rectifier. still the same results. what would you recommend next?
AnswerBrian, try this link for a wiring diagram, if you don't have one already. They are usually in the back of the owner's manual.
Also, check the site for other support info. is a great page where you can do some troubleshooting on the system. I suspect that your actual problem was with the voltage regulator and not the rectifier. There is a fully electronic reg/rectifer combo available in the aftermarket
Buy an inexpensive volt-ohm meter at Walmart, auto parts store or elsewhere, so you can so specific testing on your bike. Throwing new parts at a problem without test equipment is a needless waste of money.
Of course, check all wiring connectors in the charging system, as well as ground connections.
Bill Silver