Motorcycle Repair: STARTER INSTALLATION, starter solenoid, starter installation
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 95 FLSTF. I just bought a new Baker Firestarter since I had some headwork done and darn thing is 10 to 1 compression. I removed the old starter and removed the primary cover, took off the nut for the jackshaft and was going to install the starter. I was just wondering what wires go where. I know that the +battery cable goes to the +on the starter and the little (red) plug clips on in the black plastic housing. Problem is, I have a cable with loop on the end (black cable) and I do not know where it goes. Is it the ground and if it is where am I supposed to ground it to?
ANSWER: Does the other end of the cable come from the battery?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
No. I comes from a relay. Two wires are connected to a relay with 2 seperae posts. One cnnects to the starter solenoid and the other is unknown. I think it is supposed to be connected to the positive side of the starter along with the positive battery cable. That is the part that I am not sure of.
AnswerThere are 5 wires that go to the starter. Two are ground which goes to the ground bolt or the holddown bolt of the starter. One from the battery and one going tot he circuit breaker which attach to the hot post of the starter and the wire coming from the starter relay which plugs in.
Good luck and happy riding