Motorcycle Repair: Electraglide starter/ battery, bike mike, battery question
QuestionQUESTION: My starter just make a high pitched spinning sound like the old worn out bendix in a car starter. I had this about 15,000 miles ago. Put in new starter only to find it was a bad battery. Just happened again, so I put in new battery. No luck; same sound. Do you think I need a new starter drive or what? Also, from memory, you have to undo a bolt in the primary case. I think you have to drain case & put in new?
ANSWER: What year bike?
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QUESTION: 1998 harley davidson
AnswerIn order to remove the starter you have to remove the jackshaft from the inner primary. yes you have to drain the case and take the primary cover off.
I would pull the starter and have it tested to see what the problem is with it.
Good luck and happy riding