QuestionOk the bike has a charging system problem !! I have diagnosed the Regulator/Rectifier as being the problem afetr following the test procedure in the manual.
My question is there is anothe ritem in between the reg/rect that the local dealer calls a filter it plugs into the reg/rect an then into hte harness.
I have good continuity between the ends of the "filter" etc .Any idea what this is and what it does ? THANKS IN ADVANCE !!
the only filter I can think of is
a radio noise supression filter.
I looked at a wiring diagram for
87 model and can not see anything
listed other than some optional
cb tranceiver wiring.
Did you ask the dealer what it was?
If you give me some more info
like wire colors, maybe I can
Double check that connector
from the stator, many problems
occur there from dirt and corrosion.
Some people bypass the connector
and solder the wires.
Also the fuse holders near
the starter solenoid melt.
Good alternative to stator problems: