QuestionI have a 1982 Honda CT110 here in the Solomon Islands (South Pacific) and I'm stymied by an electrical problem. My signal and headlights keep burning out. I've a 6v battery. When the bike is idling, I get about 7.5V at the light terminals, but when I rev the bike up, I can get up to 20V at the light terminals - hence the burned out bulbs.
I suspect the rectifier, but am not sure. Could it be something else, or that and something else?
Thanks much
-it definitely sounds like a rectifier problem,
just make sure you have all the lights
working and the right bulbs and a new
rectifier. Also check the fuse connectors
and battery connections to make
sure they are tight and no corrosion.
-Re-check the output right away
if you replace the rectifier so you
don't burn out any more bulbs.
All the power from the lower coils
goes through the rectifier, so it
is likely the problem.
Universal rectifier:
Note: make sure your battery is good and connections
are okay as well.