Questionwhen i start the bike the needle in the carburator sticks causing the fuel to bypass and dump out all over the engine. i removed both, cleaned and replaced and it still happens. i live in New york where we have 10% ethanol. the dealer says that is the problem. i don't ride the bike enough and the ethanol draws moisture making the valves stick. do you have any recomendations? he told me to try Marvel mysery oil or techtron fuel injection treatment in the tank. i am really fustrated.
fuel can varnish quickly sitting in a carb,
but usually takes awhile to make things
stick like you described.
My suggestions are:
-check the o-rings on the float needle seats,
they have a small o-ring which may have shrunk
or been damaged.
-the fuel level should be about 8 mm below
the line on the carb bowl.
Some shops can check the fuel level outside
the carb with a level tube.
-Make sure there is no pressure buildup
in the gas tank, there is usually
a vent tube or cap vent.
-floats can get pin holes but usually
happens on older bikes.
-some people have had luck with a product
called "Seafoam" it is a gas additive
and fuel stabilizer.
-the float needles may be too tight in the
valve seats, try sanding the edges lightly
with some fine emery paper. Caution, If you
damage them too much you may need to buy new
ones. It might be a last resort though.
-California models have fuel cutoff valves,
but I doubt yours is like that.
-If you don't plan to ride often, you should
drain the carbs or try fuel stabilizers.