Motorcycle Repair: clutch, clutch slave cylinder, clutch master cylinder

I just purchased a 1984 Yamaha Venture. I took it out for a little stroll. Parked it in my shed. It sat for approx. 2 weeks. I took it out today and the clutch lever pulls in with no resistance. I put into first gear and tried to start it with the clutch pulled in and it jumps forward as if the clutch is not engaged. Can you advise me why this is happening? Thanks,


the clutch slave cylinder has likely leaked
all your fluid out. The best answer is probably
the info on this webpage:

The slave cylinder has seals in it that are likely
leaking, I think you can get rebuild kits for them.
If you have no resistance then the clutch is not
disengaging when you pull the lever.
You can add fluid to your clutch master cylinder,near
the clutch lever, bleed the air out the slave
cylinder bleed screw down on the engine, (follow the hose),
and it might work for awhile.