Motorcycle Repair: 1987 kawasaki ex500, speed jets, carburater

I'm pretty clueless about bikes =/

I'm in the process my 1st bike (1987 EX500),

the only thing that is wrong with the bike that i'm getting is that it'll start and everything, but it won't run off of the choke. It'll stall. When it warms it, it'll idle (but when it wants to)

The guy says he is a mechanic and that it is most likely the gas that was in the tank because he didn't take it out before winter, so it's been siting for the past couple of months.

And because of that the carburater has become all gummy and mucky inside? And that it'll need to be cleaned?

but like stated before i'm clueless about bikes.

If that IS the case, how much would it be to take to a shop and have fixed? And i'm asking about on Average, or how much you think it would cost.

Again i am from chicago.


-gas gets bad very quickly, it can varnish or
plug up carb jets in just a month or two
of sitting. You should add fresh fuel and
make sure it is getting to the carbs okay.

-The gas valve or petcocks usually have a vacuum
line attached that opens the valve
when the engine starts. They also
have a "prime" setting which allows fuel
to flow freely.

-your carbs likely have some plugged jets
if it won't run with the choke off.

-The carbs come off as a unit and then
the bowls on the bottom need to be removed
to get at the gas float valve and other
low and high speed jets.

-Ideally, the carbs need to be disassembled
and soaked in carb cleaner and then all
the jets and passages checked and cleaned

-with a manual it can be done by most
bike owners, just have to be careful and
keep track of small parts.

-bikes shops typically charge different
rates depending on what work they do.
A basic carb clean for two carbs is likely
between $100 and $200. It is time consuming.
Some places charge $50 a carb or $100 per
carb for complete and guaranteed service.

-Go here for some good carb pictures
and cleaning advice:
It covers a suzuki model but carbs
are all very similar.
You can try running some seafoam or such fuel
conditioner and see if it clears up,
if it doesn't improve the carbs will need