Motorcycle Repair: 1974 Honda 175 XL, fly wheel, xl
QuestionI recently received a 1974 Honda 175 XL, but won't run. Many people tell me it is a timing issue. But i have no knowledge on how to change the timing or what it would be set at. If you could walk me through the procedure of adjusting the valves and what gap they should be set at, I would appreciate it.
Thank you ,
Kyle, 17
You have big fish to fry. You first off not knowing if the bike ran. Are what could possable be wrong with it.But timing you have to take the fly wheel side cover off and then look for timing marks.. Adjusting the valves is a easy process. It would be much much to your good use to buy a book for this bike and read what the valves should be set at. But first off you should check for spark to plug's and then run down the list. With spark is it getting gas. comperssion is it low high? You have to check alot... I would not just assume it is timing right off the bat.. Good luck Kyle