Motorcycle Repair: How to Un-flood CBR 600?, fly wheel, cbr 600

Hi David,

I was wondering if you would be able to continue helping me with this question, since Wayne is maxed out now. ->'

How do I turn the engine by hand?
Also, I though of another possible way to get the Fuel out of the Cylinders.  Could I use a syringe with a rubber tube attached to suck the gas out of the cylinder?

Thinking about it, I don't see any problem with doing that?

I'm not sure why it flooded to begin with.
I had broken a clutch lifter arm and the bike was parked for 2 weeks while I waited for the new part.
I don't think that is long enough to gum up the carbs.

When I broke the Clutch lifter arm, I rode the bike home.
To get moving when I stopped at a light, I had to hit the starter while opening the throttle in 1st.

I suspect this wasn't good.

I fixed the clutch when I got the new part and had trouble starting it after that.
It would sputter as long as I held the starter in, but die immediately after I released it.  It would also die if I revved the throttle.

It was running fine before and I didn't do anything to it while it was waiting for the new part.

I will be very carefull, as always!

Sorry Jesse,

I did not see your question but you can take a socket and turn the motor over by the nut on the fly wheel. And to get the gas out of the cylinders just take the plugs out and bump the motor over. But i belive you have a different problem. I would check and make sure a wire did not come lose. This is a weird one to me. I have  not worked alot with CBR's so i cant give you much. But if all else fail's trace back what you did. The clutch arm has no effect how the motor works either its on right and you have clutch or not one right and no clutch. But the motor thing is weird. e-mail me back if you still have this problem i have a buddy that has 3 CBR's and race;s them he will know... [email protected]