Motorcycle Repair: brake light, audible tone, problem thanks
QuestionI have a 2006 XL 883 C with 15,000 miles. Recently changed grips so I read about making sure the front right lever assemby is correctly reinstalled. No problem there, brake light on when lever pressed, off when let go.
Did coincedentally find that rear brake pedal is not making brake light come on. Got behind rear master cylinder to access hydraulic switch. Disconnected the two plugs from the switch. Key on, jumpered wire between two connections, pressed pedal, brake light works. Then with key on, tested switch for continuity (with multimeter set to audible tone) pressed brake pedal and it passed. Could the hydraulic switch still be bad or maybe another problem? Thanks for your help.
AnswerIf you removed the wires from the switch and connected them, the light should come on without touching the brake. Are you sure it didnt come on with the wires connected? If it did and not when you press the brake, then its the switch
Good luck and happy riding