Motorcycle Repair: problems, honda cb 650, vacuum leaks

i have got an 82 Honda CB 650. got it from a friend and it had been sitting around.  i cleaned out the carbs and it fires but i have no control over the throttle. every thing is hooked up and it will rev high but it wont idle. any thoughts. i just need to be pointed in the right direction. thanks


sounds like a stuck throttle slide,
make sure the slides are free
and cutaway to the back.
Check for air leaks around the carb tubes
with wd-40, also look for any vacuum leaks.
Is the throttle cable working okay?
Have you tried slowing the idle screw down?
Is there a good supply of fuel getting
to the carbs? It may be running lean.
Check the  carb linkage for any sticky parts.
Is the choke opening all the way?