Motorcycle Repair: Issues with a 2001 95” FXSTD/I Softail Deuce, friction plates, clutch assembly

I am looking for some help troubleshooting some recent issues I’ve been having with my, until recently, very dependable ‘01 Deuce. I was having the issue a while back then it went away after I fooled with the clutch a bit. It returned about a month ago so I pulled the primary cover off and found the primary chain adjustment shoe broken in ½ , with the piece that fell off bouncing around the primary housing being shredded to shit, depositing a silt like material all over everything within the primary. I replaced the shoe and thoroughly cleaned the inner primary and it’s components. I also completely pulled the clutch assembly apart and cleaned friction plates and drive rings to remove all the silt that resulted from the grinding of the broken piece of shoe. I put everything back together filled up the fluid as specified in the tech manual and thought I was good to go. Guess again!
Here is a quick rundown of the issues I am still having.

1.   I am once again unable to start the bike in neutral. So I threw it into gear to try something different. When attempting to start the bike in 1st gear, with the clutch pulled in, the bike lurches forward with each crank of the engine. In addition to this the bike is very hard to move around in 1st with the clutch pulled in, as though for some reason the rear wheel is still engaged to the crank of the engine. In neutral the bike rolls freely but still will not start.
2.   With the alarm off, as indicated by the flashing of my turning lamps when the Key FOB is pressed twice to dis-alarm the bike, the security status lamp on my console keeps flashing. I turn the alarm on, then off using the Key FOB and it still flashes. I noticed a pattern of 3 steady flashes at 1 second intervals followed one quick flash. This pattern occurs for a short period of time before a steady flash rate of about once every 2 seconds resumes.
3. With the key switch in the off position and the kill switch also in the off position, there is now a mechanical motor of pump sound coming from the induction control module (Behind the air cleaner) this is occurring at regularly intervals as well, about once every 3 seconds or so.
4.   In order to stop the noise from the induction control module stop, I decided to disconnect the battery, when I did this by disconnecting the negative lead, it sparked! What the heck?
Any and all thoughts, suggestions, observations and ideas will be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like on your clutch it is not adjusted correctly. Go back and recheck the adjustment. It is not disingaging. When you say you cant start it in netural, what is it doing?
On your alarm, I dont know anything about them. Your best bet would be to check with harley on that.
When you dosconnect the negative cable sometimes you will get a spark, so that is not a problem. What youa re going to have to do is check at the key switch and see if you still have power going to anything when the key is off. You might have a bad switch