QuestionWhat is the procedure for changing the seals and dust covers on the forks?
-remove the drain screws and pump the fork oil out.
-you must block the bike up good so you can remove
the front wheel and work on the forks.
-remove the top fork cap and spring.
-remove the brake caliper(s) from the fork leg(s)
-remove the big allen head damper rod bolt from the
bottom center of the fork leg. This
is up under the axle caps.There is usually
a gasket on this or it's stuck in the fork.
-This bolt may tend to spin around without coming
off, use an air wrench to loosen it.
-Pull the lower fork housing off. Might take
a few hard pulls. Dump the oil out of it.
-Clamp the bottom in a vise with something soft
to protect the finish.
-Pry the dust seal or cover out or off.
-pry out or remove the fork seal stopper ring
-pull the old seal out without damaging the fork.
I have used an auto-body puller with a small
hooked end. If you pry it, you may break the
edge of the fork unless very careful.
Clean up and install new seal with something
the same size as the outside of the new seal.
A big socket might work here or 1.5" PVC pipe.
Tap it in straight so it doesn't get damaged.
Reinstall your seal stopper ring and dust seal,
leave out the foam seal and plastic washer if
it's in there, they hold dirt.
Reassemble and fill with 155cc or 5.2 ounces of
fork oil per fork.