Motorcycle Repair: adjusting valves on 2003 fat boy, pushrod, push rods
Questionit has a 1450, it seems to be making a little noise .ticking was woundering the proper way to start from scratch and re adjust the push rods. it says the lifters are self adjusting ,but there has to be a starting point from the factory were you set them.
AnswerYour probable not going to get rid of the ticking. Mot harley do that.
Remove the covers from the pushrods and the spark plugs. Rotate the motor until the front exhaust is all the way down to its lowers. Start turning the pushrod to make it longer. Add about a 1/4 of an inch to it. wait about 15 minutes. Check and see if you can turn the pushrod between your fingers, if you can retighten. What you are trying to do is bleed the lifters. Keep doing this until they dont turn anymore and are tight. Now back the pushrod off just until it will spin between your fingers and 1/2 more turn and you have it set. Do this to each one. Make sure the motor is cold when you do the adjustment.
Good luck and happy riding