QuestionI have an '81 Honda CX500. The starter solenoid quit so I replaced it. After three weeks the replacement solenoid started to fail intermittently, then quit for good. The dealer insists his new part is not defective but that other systems, like "safety switches" are wired to the solenoid, and that a defect in one of those could be the problem. I don't believe that there are any safety switches on an '81 model. Bridging the two posts on the solenoid with a screwdriver blade causes the starter to run, so I'm convinced the new part is defective. Am I right? Thanks.
some models may have a clutch safety switch.
Also there is a disconnect switch which turns off
the lights while starting. If you have a multimeter
or test light, check for power to your solenoid.
Turn on the key, pull clutch lever,push the starter button and
you should have power at the solenoid on the
red/yellow and red/green wires. (They may be just
yellow and green) If there is power
there (12volts) and your battery is good, the solenoid
should work. If it does nothing it is likely
defective. A defective unit can be checked even
off the bike. Ask the dealer to check it.
If it doesn't connect the two big posts when activated
it is defective for sure.