QuestionI have a problem with my '83 Honda Goldwing. The problem started 2-3 weeks ago when my clutch started acting odd. At different, random times while riding, the clutch would have different amounts of play before it would catch.
Then, about a week ago, the shifting started becoming more and more difficult to accomplish. First it wouldn't go into neutral when the bike was running. Then it had trouble with 1st and then 2nd.
Then, today, I was stopped at a red light with the bike in gear and the clutch disengaged (because I couldn't get it into neutral). Suddenly, the bike started creeping forward and then stalled as if i was releasing the clutch. I got it started again and the same thing happened after about 30 to 60 seconds of running. I was close to home and was able to get it there.
After it cooled down, a friend and I took the clutch cover off and examined everything. We both have limited knowledge, but it appeared that everything inside was as it should be. We put it back together and tightened the clutch cable, but the process changed nothing regarding the problem. I have limited funds and was hoping to fix it myself, or, at least have an idea of what is wrong and how much it will cost me to get it repaired. Any input you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Have you checked the cable?
Otherwise it could be the little worm-like device
at the bottom of the cable that pushes
on the clutch. Lastly,clutch plates should
be checked and also the nut that holds
the clutch hub on. Did you check those already?
(The Gold Wing went to hydraulic clutch later
which could have air in the system)