Motorcycle Repair: 1980 cb650 problem, honda cb 650, syncronized

i have a honda cb 650 that runs fairly good but has a problem idling although it does idle fine with the choke on but after it runs for a bit it will idle fairly good but occasionaly dies. also when you full throttle it it will bog pretty bad. i dont know if it has sat or not please help

is the idle speed set high enough?
Have you tried replacing the spark plugs
with some (my preference) NGK brand plugs?
Could be some old gas or water in the gas.
Could be partially plugged carb jets,
they are small and need thorough cleaning
once in awhile. Make sure it is running
on all cylinders, when first started
before it gets too hot, see if all the
pipes get warm.
It may need the carbs syncronized so they
all pull evenly.
Check air cut-off valves on carbs.