QuestionI have a 1989 Suzuki ds 80. Unlike other two strokes, instead of putting premix in the gas tank you just put in regular unleaded in the tank and two stroke oil in a separate tank, and they automatically mix in the carb so the engine is still burning premix. I believe that the oil pump is not working based on the engine running very rough (it has a new top end)and the exhaust is clear. Every two stroke I've seen has blue exhaust. My question is, because I don't know how to fix the pump, is it okay to just run premix strait from the gas tank? And if so, would 32:1 be the ratio to use? Thanks for your help.
Most definitely mix some oil in your gas before
you do major damage to your new top end.
If you don't plan to have the pump repaired
or replaced, make sure you use some good 2 stroke
oil in the gas. 30:1 should be about right or a little
more if the top end is new. About 4ounces/gallon (128oz)