Question"hey guys. i got a 1984 honda xr350. Bought it last week and it burnt oil so i
brought it in had the valves re-done and all new gaskets and i finished putting
the head/carbs, plastics etc together and i fire er up and she fires up 1st or
second kick. But when i give er gas when the rpms start coming down she starts
popping really loud then a big backfire and it only does it when i let off the
throttle. it also doesnt do this when the choke is up. but really sluggish abviously what should i do?? let me no asap please reply to my email i have
given abouve. thanks so much "
AnswerDo you have some mufflers on it? It may need some backpressure. Check your intake and exhaust for any
leaks as this may lean out your fuel/air mixture.
It is running very lean or hot for some reason.
Has the ignition timing been set?
It runs on the choke which tells me it needs more
fuel or less air. Has the carb been cleaned,
may be a plugged fuel tap or carb jet?
Sounds like a bad intake leak to me though, too
much air.