QuestionQUESTION: Hi there, after riding my sportster for about a half hr, we made a quick stop, where it failed to start again. I have checked everything and cannot find the problem. My motor turnes over but No spark is reaching my plugs at all. So far I have trouble shot my kill switch and trigger, ignition module, replaced plugs and plug wires and had coil tested.. everything seems good so far. Anyone have any advice, I am at a loss as to where to go now!
ANSWER: Do you have power going to the coil?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hey Mike.. YEs there is power going to the coil! We are completely stumped on this.. any other ideas or advice?
ANSWER: If you have power going to the coil and everything else is ok, then it has to be the pickup located int he cam cone
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for writing back.. How do I check the pickup?? This morning, after fixing up the battery ground wire, on a freshly charged battery, we were able to get spark but the battery died quickly. So we tried boosting the bike to see if it would start but no spark again.. Could it possibly be that the power from my battery is being grounded somewhere?
AnswerIf your battery is dying really fast, you might have a bad battery. Need to have it tested. If the battery is good then you might have a short int he wiring and draining the battery.
Your not going to be able to test the pickup, it takes a special harness to test.
Good luck and happy riding