QuestionI am looking to replace some leaking gaskets on my 1975 cb360t, but cannot remove the head cylinder cover, or valve cover if you will. I have taken out 12 bolts that all threaded into the cylinder head vertically and there are no more bolts connecting it and have whacked it at every angle with a mallet, but it will not budge. I have even heated it with a torch and tried to no avail. The right cylinder side has separated a crack but thats all. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
this is an age old problem with motorcycles.
It sounds like you have all the bolts out
which is the first thing to check.
Be careful with torches as this is aluminum and
might melt suddenly. It is easy to break also.
There are dowels that sometimes rust or are
just tight on the front left and right rear of the
case I believe. You may need to gently
tap near these corners to lift the cover.
Use a thin flat bladed screwdriver but be careful
not to damage the aluminum too much or it will leak.
Keep tapping gently around the four corners of the cover.
Try to find places where the cover looks thicker
to prevent breaking it when you tap.
You can try some penetrating oil to soften the
gasket, it might help. It has to come off if you
are to fix anything inside so take your time.
Be careful of any areas that look thin, better not
to pry there.