QuestionI recently purchased a V45 Magna and had to take apart and clean the master cylinder and slave cylinder as well as drain all the clutch fluid. I put everything back together and have attempted to refill it with fluid but when I put the fluid in the resivior on the handle bar it will not circulate through the system and I have checked to make sure the bleeder hole and line are clear. I am sure I am probably doing something wrong. How do you refill and prime the system? Any suggestions would be appreciated
other than a mechanical problem with the master or slave
cylinder, the only thing I can suggest is to
try to purge the air from the top down.
Pump the lever and hold, then open the banjo/bolt
fitting on the line at the master (top) cylinder
slightly, just to let any trapped air out.
Do this a few times if necessary and then try bleeding the slave again. You will have to wrap something around
the banjo fitting to prevent getting fluid all over
everything. Remember to top up the fluid too.