Motorcycle Repair: CX 500 carbs leaking gas, 1980 honda cx500, float bowls

Hello, I have a 1980 Honda CX500 that's been in storage for a couple years. I
put in a new battery, new plugs, changed the oil and it started right up. The
only problem is it's leaking gas at a steady dripping rate from the
carburetors. Any ideas why it's doing this? I've never taken the carbs apart
and I don't know how difficult  it would be for a novice.


Hi, I would suspect some varnish or build up around
the float valve needles or worn float needle valves.
Also, the float bowl gaskets may have dried up.
The gas may help the gaskets to swell up in time,
and sometimes tapping lightly on the float bowls
might dislodge the float valves. IF not you may
need to clean the carbs and replace needles or gaskets
as necessary.
I would recommend a manual or diagram if you do it yourself.

Hope this helps.