Motorcycle Repair: my banshee has no spark, crank case, stator
QuestionI have a 1989 banshee and I can't get any spark. I have just replaced the stator, cdi box and the coil. I have also checked every wire in the main harness. This does not include the wires going into the crank case. What should I do next?
AnswerHey Ethan,
Let me try to help here. 1) add a new ground wire and ground it to the MOTOR very important. just take any ground wire you have and ground it to the motor.. Once that is done check agian for spark. If still no spark. Make sure the cdi box is pluged in all the way and coil leads... there is only a few things that make it stop sparking.. Stator pick up coil ground wire cdi box then coil... BUT add the ground wire a really big problem i see all the time