Questioni have a 1986 yamaha maxim x and changed the relay on it last week. i thought it was easy to do, so for about a week it has been starting and everything. i got on it to got o wotk today, and the battery was dead. i have a wire hooked up tot the battery post. not sure if it goes there, but for the last week or so, it has been working. i bought this startor relao from a motorcycle shop i've been getting my parts from. this is one of those universal relays. when i took the battery out this morning, the positive post looked like it was starting to melt. i realize that i probably have that wire wronf=g and needs to go somewhere else, but where? i'm not an expert ont hese parts, but i thought it shouldn't be this difficult. could you please direct me inthe right direction and also, do you think my battery is still good? i have it charging for the last 2 hrs and the battery charger says it's good. thanks for your help.
AnswerI am guessing you mean the relay solenoid, if so..
Universal starter relays usually have three connections
to make. One large post goes to battery positive,
the other larger post goes to the starter. The small
connection goes to starter button or button relay.
When you push the starter button it activates the relay
which connects the two large terminals, sending power
to the starter. When the button is released the
relay cuts power to the starter. If you have a loose or bad
connection the cables or battery posts could get hot.
Make sure the solenoid/relay has a good clean ground.