Motorcycle Repair: locate tranny dipstick and fluid level, harley owner, size tool

Changing fluids on my 04 dyna super glide How Much tranny fluid do I use in transmission and where is the tranny dipstick located I found the oil one right by the motor on top right side ... I'm a new harley owner and bought a used bike with no manual need to know where dipstick is located and how much fluids in tranny got oil changed already...what size tool i need to remove the tranny fluid bolt?

Look on the right side of the bike at the tranny. You will see allen head plug. That is the dipstick. Remove it and the dipstick is attached. Pour the fluid in until it is ont he mark of the dipstick. You will need to get a qt of trans fluid, but it doesnt hold a qt.Its a 3/8 allen wrench
Good luck and happy riding